Key Terms: Alliteration - Repeated sound of the first consonant in a series of multiple words. Apostrophe - Directly addressing something, someone or an abstract concept not present in the poem. Volta - The turn of thought or argument in a sonnet. Iambic Pentameter - Line of five feet of unstressed followed by stressed syllables. Personification - Human qualities given to animals, objects or ideas. Speaker - The voice narrating the poem. Not necessarily the poet. It has been a long time since I have done a close reading, and with all my blogs on theory and criticism, I think its important not to lose sight of our appreciation for the art. So in today's blog we will go back to the basics of appreciating and admiring poetry for what it is. I have chosen to look at this sonnet by John Keats - Bright Star! Would I Were Steadfast As Thou Art. BRIGHT star! would I were steadfast as thou art— Not in...